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St. Patrick’s Primary School Legamaddy

News - Primary 4/5

2018/2019 School Year

10th Jun 2019
PSNI Internet Safety Workshop today for all parents at 2.30pm. We would love to...
7th Jun 2019
For those p5, p6, p7 children singing in the choir tomorrow for First Holy Communion,...
6th Jun 2019
Primary 4 & 5 had a fab day at the Epic Journey 148th Open. We all had a go...
30th May 2019
We warmly invite our parents, families and friends of St. Patrick’s Legamaddy...
24th May 2019
Today we had a non-uniform day to help support Matthew in P1 with his hydrotherapy...
24th May 2019
Past pupils Tim Prenter and Paul Tempany attended assembly today to talk about winning...
24th May 2019
Today primary 3 took the classroom outside and enjoyed completing all their activities...
21st May 2019
Well done to our girl's team today who played so enthusiastically and demonstrated...
17th May 2019
Well done to all the children who cycled to school this morning and a special thank...
17th May 2019
Today life guards from the RNLI led an assembly all about hoe to keep safe in the...