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St. Patrick’s Primary School Legamaddy

P7 Leavers

21st Jun 2024
P7 Leavers
A wonderful Leavers Day today celebrating the achievements and memories of a wonderful P7 cohort ??
The day started with a farewell from all the classe as they walked up to Mass.
We celebrated their final school service as a whole school community and welcomed families. Many thanks to Fr Peter for leading the celebration and for all his spiritual guidance he has given to the pupils during their time in school.
Then In school the children put on a great performance of “I’m an 11 year old get me outta here! and we got to see a display of their talents. ?
Well done to all our Award Winners.
Our boys and girls did themselves, their families and school community proud ?
Well done boys and girls - every last one of you a star ?
Good luck for the next chapter of their lives